Human Heart Anatomy

System cardiovascular is system giving process facility transportation of various substances from, and to body cells. This system consisted of activator organ so-called heart, and channel system consisted of by artery which drain blood from heart, and vein flowing blood towards heart.
An heart is hollow heart having 2 atrium and 2 ventricle. Heart is muscular organ capable to push blood to various part of bodies. Man heart is in the form of like trapeze and fairish equal to hand fist, located in chest cavity as of left barium. Heart wrapped by a membrane so-called pericardium. Heart accountable for maintaining blood stream with help of a number of valves complementing it. To guarantee continuity of circulation, contraction heart periodical.
Continuous contraction cardiac muscle without experiencing fatigue. contraction of Man heart is contraction miogenik, that is contraction started by irritant strength from itself cardiac muscle and not from nerve.

There are some part of hearts ( anatomically) we would discuss in this handing out, between it is :

a. Form Of And Heart Measure
Heart is main organ in system cardiovascular. Heart formed by organs muscular, apex and bases cordis, right atrium and left and right ventricle and left. Length heart measure about 12 cm, wide 8-9 cm thick seta about 6 cm.
Heart weight around 7-15 ounces or 200 to 425 grams and a few bigger than hand fists. Every day of heart ticks 100000 times and in a period of the period heart pumps 2000 blood gallons or equivalent with 7571 blood liters.
Position of located heart sent both lungs and stays middle to be middle of chest, convergent at diaphragm thoraces and stays about 5 cm to processus xiphoideus.
At right margin cranial stays at edge cranialis pars cartilaginis costa III dextra, 1 cm from lateral edge of sternum. At right margin caudal stays at edge cranialis pars cartilaginis costa VI dextra, 1 cm from lateral edge of sternum. Left margin cranial heart stays at edge caudal pars cartilaginis costa II sinistra by the side of lateral of sternum, left margin caudal stays at space intercostalis 5, about 9 cm in left of linea medioclavicularis.
Membrane wrapping heart called as pericardium where composing between layers fibrosa and serosa, in cavum pericardia contains 50 cc which is functioning as Lubricant in order not to to keep friction between pericardium and epikardium. Epikardium is most external layer from heart, the next layer is layer myocardium where this layer is thickest layer. Last coat is endokardium layer.

b. Space In Heart
There is 4 room in heart where two of the space called as atrium and the rest is ventricle. At civilian, atrium is recognized as gallery and ventricle is recognized as room.
Both atriums is space with thin muscular wall because the low of pressure generated by atrium. On the contrary ventricle has thick muscular wall especially left ventricle having layer thrice thicker than right ventricle.
Both atriums dissociated by partition between atriums ( septum interatriorum), second temporary of ventricle dissociated by partition between ventricles ( septum inter-ventrikulorum). Atrium and ventricle at each heart side correlates one another through a link so-called orifisium atrioventrikuler. this Orifisium can be open or closed by an spillway atrioventrikuler ( spillway AV). Spillway AV left side is called as bicuspid valve ( mitral valve) while spillway AV right side is called as spillway tricuspid.

c. Heart spillways
Between right atrium and right ventricle there are spillway dissociating both is spillway tricuspid, while at left atrium and left ventricle also has spillway so-called with spillway mitral/ bicuspid. Both this functioning spillways as constrictor which can be open and closed at the time of admission blood from atrium to ventricle.
1. Spillway Tricuspid
Spillway trikuspid stays between right atrium and right ventricle. If(when this open spillway, hence blood will flow from right atrium towards right ventricle. Functioning trikuspid spillway prevents the return of blood stream towards right atrium by the way of closing at the time of contraction of ventricle. As according to its(the name, spillway tricuspid consisted of 3 spillway leaf.
2. Spillway pulmonial
After spillway trikuspid is closed, blood will flow from within right ventricle through trunkus pulmonalis. Trunkus pulmonalis branchs to become left and right pulmonalis artery which will relate to left and right lung network. At jetty trunkus pulmonalis there is spillway pulmonalis consisted of by 3 open spillway leaf if(when contraction right ventricle and closes if(when relaxation right ventricle, causing enables blood to flow from right ventricle towards artery pulmonalis.
3. Bicuspid valve
Bicuspid Valve or mitral valve arranges blood stream from left atrium towards left ventricle.. Like spillway trikuspid, bicuspid valve closes at the time of contraction of ventricle. Bicuspid valve consisted of two spillway leaves.
4. Aorta Spillway
Aorta spillway consisted of 3 spillway leaf found on aorta jetty. This spillway will open at the time of left ventricle of contraction so that blood will flow to all body. On the contrary spillway will close at the time of left ventricle of relaxation, causing prevents reenter blood inside left ventricle.

d. Induction System Component of Heart
1. Sinoatrial
2. Atrioventrikular

e. Peace Meker ( Center Heart Trigger )
Main function of heart is pump blood to all body where at the time of pumping heart muscles heart ( myocardium) what peripatetic. For the function, cardiac muscle has ability affect excitement to electrical.
contraction activity of Heart to pump blood to all body always preceded by electrical activity. Electrical activity started at nodus sinoatrial ( nodus SA) is laying in gap between vena cavas superior and right atrium. At nodus SA starts depolarization wave spontaneously causing causes incidence [of] action potential propagated through atrium muscle cells, nodus atrioventrikuler ( nodus AV), bundle His, fiber Purkinje and finally to all ventricle muscle.


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