When you think of clogged arteries, high blood pressure, and heart disease, what do you think of?

If you were asked to name a cause of clogged arteries what would you say? What would come to mind? Probably, cholesterol. Haven't you heard that over and over? Haven’t you heard that high cholesterol, bad cholesterol, leads to high blood pressure and heart disease? Actually, it is a partial truth. There is more information available about the cause of clogged arteries.

What actually starts the process of clogged arteries is a lack of vitamin C or ascorbate. Technically, this is called subclinical scurvy. Tiny cracks form in the arteries due to a lack of ascorbate. The body uses cholesterol to bandage over and patch these cracks. This is a protective measure on the body's part to overcome the existence of these cracks. Otherwise, there would be internal bleeding. So it is not actually the cholesterol that starts the process of clogged arteries, it is the lack of ascorbate that begins the process of plaque being created in the arteries. Plaque is the name given to cholesterol as it builds up to cover the arterial cracks and then hardens in the arteries to form clogged arteries.

What can be done to clean clogged arteries? Give the body ascorbate. The body knows how to clean clogged arteries when given the proper substances. Buffered mineral ascorbates can be used to help heal the clogged arteries. There are other synergistic substances that can be used as well to help clean and restore clogged arteries.

Related articles:
1. Heart Disease Symptoms
2. Heart Disease and Lowering Cholesterol


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