It is said that psychology is the first and basic reasons for all occurring diseases and health problems. It means there is very close relationship between mind (psychology) and diseases. And so heart attack or heart disease in the exceptional disease. Every patient of each disease comes under pressure. It is observed that almost 50% patients of heart disease have symptoms of depression. 20% heart patients who suffer from depression can be cured with antidepressants.
While antidepressants can improve mood by boosting the better chemicals in the brain, they do not treat the real cause of the depression. Because of this, decline rates are high once drug treatment is stopped. In difference, the emotional insights and coping skills obtained during therapy can have a more lasting effect on depression.
In other words, antidepressants also play important role for heart patients. It is also come to know that some heart patients would die due to depression at the hospitalization time. This ratio is 2 to 5 times more likely than average to suffer further conditions or to die. Reappearance of cardiovascular is closer to depression than smoking, diabetes, cholesterol, or high blood pressure.
Mind and mood both factors affect the cardiovascular method. The instant reactions of damaging blood vessels, sensation of heart, become constants or even slow if the heart patient is seriously anxious or depressed. Selective antidepressants like serotonin (serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRI) are very useful for the heart patients. Sometimes such antidepressants can also reduce the future heart problems and save lives.
Heart specialists often prescribe antidepressants that helps to reduce the depression so that they can care themselves better. However, it is difficult to declare effects and reasons in the link between heart disease and depression. Even though the symptoms of both heart disease and depression might be same but the instant study of the case is different. Heart specialist can ask the patients about their depression, stress. At this time patients should provide proper and real information so that doctor could prescribe better antidepressants.
Keep in mind, SSRIs, do not prevent heart attack completely but can definitely reduce the degree of the disease. Antidepressant treats the depression and patient becomes relax and danger can be avoided. Whether to use antidepressants or some other mechanism should use, is determined after studying the case clearly. Many times doctors prescribe SSRIs to reduce the heart attacks only. This is simple and first purposes to prescribe the SSRIs.
While antidepressants can improve mood by boosting the better chemicals in the brain, they do not treat the real cause of the depression. Because of this, decline rates are high once drug treatment is stopped. In difference, the emotional insights and coping skills obtained during therapy can have a more lasting effect on depression.
In other words, antidepressants also play important role for heart patients. It is also come to know that some heart patients would die due to depression at the hospitalization time. This ratio is 2 to 5 times more likely than average to suffer further conditions or to die. Reappearance of cardiovascular is closer to depression than smoking, diabetes, cholesterol, or high blood pressure.
Mind and mood both factors affect the cardiovascular method. The instant reactions of damaging blood vessels, sensation of heart, become constants or even slow if the heart patient is seriously anxious or depressed. Selective antidepressants like serotonin (serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRI) are very useful for the heart patients. Sometimes such antidepressants can also reduce the future heart problems and save lives.
Heart specialists often prescribe antidepressants that helps to reduce the depression so that they can care themselves better. However, it is difficult to declare effects and reasons in the link between heart disease and depression. Even though the symptoms of both heart disease and depression might be same but the instant study of the case is different. Heart specialist can ask the patients about their depression, stress. At this time patients should provide proper and real information so that doctor could prescribe better antidepressants.
Keep in mind, SSRIs, do not prevent heart attack completely but can definitely reduce the degree of the disease. Antidepressant treats the depression and patient becomes relax and danger can be avoided. Whether to use antidepressants or some other mechanism should use, is determined after studying the case clearly. Many times doctors prescribe SSRIs to reduce the heart attacks only. This is simple and first purposes to prescribe the SSRIs.
Sometimes I afraid to use antidepressant, because I'm afraid that by antidepressant can make us become addicted